Future Plans

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There’s a battle raging in my mind
A battle for control
Not sure whose voice I hear anymore

Father help me let go
Still my mind
So that I might find
Your path for my life
Still my thoughts
Till I believe my life was bought
And I have nothing to prove

For you father are God
You Jesus are Lord
Still my heart, Ease my soul
Bring me to my knees till I lose control

A war in my heart has left it with holes
Holes I can’t fill
With the cup I’ve been drinking from
So father help me let go
Mend my heart
I want a new life, a new start
In the race to your loving arms

As I’m sure it has been for a lot of people my age, the last few months has been a little stressful trying to figure out exactly what it is that God has planned for me. I don’t want to chose the wrong thing and miss the path God wants me to take. I don’t want to let all the people who got me to this point in my life down, but stressing about fulfilling their expectations doesn’t even compare to trying to fulfill my own expectations for myself. What am I supposed to do? Who am I supposed to help? And when I do figure out who I am supposed to serve, how can I best serve them? Those thoughts and questions constantly consumed my mind, I constantly took them to God, but instead of answers all I heard was a calming voice saying, “shhhhh, stop thinking!!!” So as my graduation date grew closer and I absolutely had to know what I was going to do with the rest of my life, I felt God calling me to slow down and listen, to let him teach me something, to be still and know that he is God (Psalms 46:10). Then, once he had time to set his truth deep in my heart he would reveal his plans for me. So I just wanted to encourage everyone like me that is searching for direction and purpose in their life to stop for a while. First, seek God. Just God. Not God and something else whatever that might be: answers, or direction, or purpose, or ….. Fill in the blank. Just God.

Next time your wrestling with God about what it is you are supposed to do with the next chapter of your life now that you have graduated or had your first job consider this: Jesus was 30 before he started his ministry. Slow down and listen and he will reveal his plans to you when he is ready. God bless you.

Jacob Moyer