Joy in the Chaos

Blog, Children's Ministry

From The Parent Cue

From The Parent Cue

Over on The Parent Cue blog, Sarah Anderson wrote a fantastic post in 2013 titled Joy in the Chaos that’s a good read for parents during the holiday season.

My son is asking for a car this Christmas. He’s four. He started asking for one months ago. And I— foolishly—thought it would be an idea that waned with time. Not so much. He gets fixated on things and doesn’t let go. Which can only mean one thing. Christmas morning is sure to be a little disappointing for my boy.

Sarah points out that Christmas can be disappointing for parents as well – if our hopes are set on the wrong things. She said that even if “our realities fall short of our deeply felt desires, our joy doesn’t have to.”

I encourage you to seek joy in Jesus this Christmas and not in fulfilling expectations through gifts, meals or the perfect family moment.