ReVerb Movie Night

Blog, Youth

This past Sunday Night, Northstar ReVerb all met up at Frank’s Cinebowl Theater to watch God’s Not Dead 2 as a group. We had the awesome opportunity to watch a movie that promoted standing up for your faith in Jesus even when it seems like the hardest thing to do. We are continuing to learn that boldness in Jesus – even when it is completely countercultural – is a breath of fresh air. It was encouraging to watch a movie that encourages just that, being bold in the world.

God’s Not Dead 2 is based around a high school student who is just being exposed to Jesus while her high school teacher is on trial for quoting Jesus in her history class. This movie is dramatized but brings to light what many of our students deal with on a daily basis. Our society does not want Jesus to be spoken of as authority. It was awesome to hear such an outpouring of using the name of Jesus throughout the movie. Unlike much of “spiritual” movies that have come out in recent years, God’s Not Dead 2 spoke of Jesus as the Lord and Savior of the world boldly and unashamedly.

Movie quotes to think on:

  • “I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by God.”
  • “I am not going to be afraid to say the name Jesus.”
  • “Atheism doesn’t take away the pain. It takes away the hope.”
  • “The message of the Gospel stands in the way of what a lot of powerful people want.”
  • “To risk anything for Jesus is an honor with an eternal reward.”