The Rain Serves a Purpose


RainfallAs I sit listening to the steady drizzle outside my open window, I revel in the plinking of raindrops on leaves, creating a music all their own. The scent I breathe in is one of freshness, and I can feel the heaviness of the damp air. My senses are each affected in various ways, and Isaiah 55:10-11 comes to mind:

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

My life recently has had many ups and downs. Perhaps you can relate? In the midst of the good times, it is easy to see the blessings gifted to me. When I encounter trials of various kinds, though, I am not as easily won over. I wonder why this or that has happened, and what good could possibly come from it?

That’s when God whispers in my ear, “Child, you do not know, but I do. Trust Me, there is good.”

Oh, why do I let myself worry about the future so much? While in the midst of trials, I often fail to see what God is purposing. It’s so easy to fret and get caught up in the messes that accompany our earthly lives, be they big or small things. I can stand in the rain and mourn the lack of beautiful sun, or I can patiently wait to see the beauty that is yet to come, a beauty being nurtured by the rain. For my part, I choose to wait as patiently as I can for God’s purposes to be revealed in His time, not mine. I might even go out and dance in the rain while I wait.