“What’s the Deal?” Connect Sunday School Series

News, College Ministry

connect whats the dealWe live in a culture that is shifting and changing every day. What was once accepted is now rejected. Christianity is now more known for its intolerance of people rather than its love for people. Christians do not need to shy away from hard topics; we need to face them. We have the ultimate resource to answer these questions, the Word of God, the Bible. Come with us as we look at some big questions that we all struggle with and what the Bible has to say about them!

Some questions covered included:

In our five-week series, we will have various speakers share with us what the Bible says about these big questions. Following the speaker we will have discussion time followed by a time of prayer. We will be meeting during the 9:00 a.m. service starting and will run through October 23 (taking October 16 off for fall break).

Our next session us happening this Sunday, October 9 and will be led by Neal Nelson as he tackles the question: If grace is so amazing, what’s the big deal about sin? Through biblical teaching, Neal will help us learn about the struggle between God’s grace and our sin nature.

We hope you’ll join us and invite a friend!