Member Spotlight: Meet the Boezaarts


boezaartsWe’d like to introduce you to a couple that is a part of Northstar: Ted and Johke Boezaart. They have come to us from halfway around the world and have felt God lead them to invest in Northstar, so let’s get this introduction started! Be sure to say, “Hi!” in person the next time you see either of them.

What do you do for work?

Ted works at Modea, a digital consulting company. Johke stays at home with the kids and coaches tennis on a very part-time basis.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Africa, because we absolutely love the beauty and simplicity of it.

What is something very few people know about you?

Johke participated in the Summer Olympic Games in Athens in 2004 as a field hockey player. Also, she still has baby teeth. Ted lived in Egypt for a year where he worked as a scuba diving instructor.

What is your family like?

We are very active! We love people and hosting, and we enjoy traveling.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Johke: Loving, energetic, encouraging; Ted: Caring, calm, collected

What is your favorite book?

Johke: Mister God This Is Anna and Tuesdays with Morrie; Ted: The Lord of the Rings trilogy

How would you describe Northstar in three words?

Real, Biblical, Passionate

How are you invested at Northstar?

We both lead D28 groups and attend the fabulous Carr small group. Johke also teaches in Jumpstart.

Why do you attend Northstar?

To grow in our faith as Christians, to serve out of thankfulness for what God has done for us, to be in community with fellow believers and to set an example for Andre and Zani of what it means to commit and be a part of a church family.

What Bible verse do you draw the most inspiration from?

John 10:10 – “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Other than Jesus, who is your favorite biblical character and why?

Paul… He completely turned his life around, amidst a mountain of social pressure, and completely followed God.

What is something that God has been teaching you lately?

Be in the moment and enjoy every day to the full. Do not worry about tomorrow or what the future may or may not hold. True joy can only be found in Jesus.