Celebrating Advent with Kids

Blog, Children's Ministry

advent-2What is Advent and why do we celebrate it?

Advent began Sunday, November 27 this year and ends Christmas Eve. Advent comes from the Latin word meaning “coming” and its purpose is to look forward to the coming of Christ.

During this busy time of parades, parties and buying gifts it is so easy to get distracted from the true meaning of Christmas. Advent helps us to slow down and spend time with our Savior.

How can you celebrate Advent as a family? Here are a few ideas:

  • Pick up a Bible reading plan and corresponding ornaments for the kids to color as well on the children’s ministry table. Read the short scripture each night and have your kids color the ornaments.
  • Turn off the TV one night a week and make a craft or recipe together as a family. Talk about the importance of Advent while you make cookies for a neighbor or your own ornaments.
  • Check out this website for some other great ideas: Fun Advent Ideas!

No matter what you decide to do, give yourself grace. The purpose is not to add more stress to your schedule, but to carve time out of your schedule to refocus your mind on our Savior who brings peace.