What Is Stephen Ministry?

Blog, Be The Church

We’re so glad you asked!

Carolyn Noble and Aaron Peck, Northstar Church’s Stephen Leaders

Carolyn Noble, who’s been a Stephen Minister at Northstar for five years, shares, “Stephen Ministry is a care giving ministry for Northstar members and regular attenders. It is best for those who need a listening ear or encouragement during a time of struggle. Northstar has several trained Stephen Ministers that provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. All it takes is reaching out to a Stephen Leader and they will walk you through getting involved in this care giving ministry. It will be worth it to receive one-on-one, Christ-centered care of a Stephen Minister.”

For those that are hesitant or think it’s just too hard to take the first step, consider this encouragement from Neal Nelson, our Associate Pastor, “Stephen Ministry fits into our core value of ‘Being the Church.’ I would say we all need help working through situations in life. God designed the body exactly that way. God’s design is that we are dependent on Him and interdependent on one another.”

Vanessa Tegenkamp adds, “Don’t be scared or intimidated to check out Stephen Ministry. The church is meant to serve and love one another. By meeting with a Stephen Minister, you are allowing them to simultaneously serve and be blessed.”

Matthew Keefe, a Northstar member who recently participated in the Stephen Ministry training, says, “Stephen Ministers are trained to provide compassionate, faith-filled, skilled, trustworthy care centered around our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Much of an impact this ministry is not only on individuals, but also on the growth of the church. As a church, it is important to care for the body of believers by continually growing closer to God in all that we do and Stephen Ministry is just one way to do that. At Northstar Church we say, ‘Don’t go to church, be the church.’ Serving as a Stephen Minister is one way that I feel I can ‘be the church.'”

If you think you would benefit by being paired with a Stephen Ministry Caregiver or if you want to be included in the next Stephen Ministry training to be a caregiver, please contact Aaron Peck.