Volunteers of All Ages

Blog, Be The Church

Being a church without a permanent home (yet!), Northstar relies on volunteer helpers each and every week to make things run smoothly. And we absolutely have some of the greatest volunteers in the world. Northstar Church is truly blessed.

Recently, we’ve had some new volunteers cropping up. They’ve been helping out by greeting folks at the Guest & Information Table in the lobby at Blacksburg Middle School. They’ve been helping our interns by placing bulletins in all the seats in the auditorium between services.

But you may have missed these new volunteers. If you’re not paying close attention, you may not see them. The best way to catch them in the act is to look down. These new volunteers won’t meet your gaze right off the bat. Unless you take a knee and meet them on their level.


How could you say no to joining a small group after a greeting like that?

Next time you see some of Northstar’s youngest attenders, be sure to thank them for all they do to help out our church.