ReVerb Leader Spotlight – Abigail Hammack

Blog, Be The Church

Abigail Hammack is from Wichita, Kansas and graduated from Kansas State University with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications: Public Relations. She currently lives in Blacksburg and work as the Client Relations Manager for Connors Law. She is the Creative Content Intern here at Northstar and designs a lot of the graphics that you see all over. Abigail loves to travel, different cultures, art, good coffee, flowers, fancy cheese, students, and the color green. She has served on the Youth Ministry Leaders team for eight months and has been essential to the spiritual growth of the young women in our church.

Why are you involved in youth ministry?
I have always loved working with students whether that be in a ministry or professional capacity. I’ve worked with students through almost every church I’ve attended over my lifetime so it was a natural way for me to serve at Northstar. It’s a very fulfilling way for me to help other people using my past experiences. Plus, I learn so much from the students in our youth group that it’s a very mutually beneficial relationship.

How were you impacted as a young person for Jesus?
I had a lot of great influences in my life growing up that taught me how to live for the kingdom. Not only my parents and youth leaders, but a wonderful group a friends who challenged me.

What has impacted you during your time serving?
The most amazing thing to see is our students pouring into one another. I’ve never been a part of a more supportive youth group that truly values their relationships and works hard to maintain and nourish them. It’s quite a wonderful example of how Christians should be living their lives.

What would you say to those who are interested in getting involved?
No matter how you think you can or should serve, do it. No matter “where you are in your life” or what’s going on personally, service is never a bad idea. Help in whatever capacity you can. Not only will you impact others (even if you thought you couldn’t), you’ll be impacted as well.
How would you encourage young people to get involved?
A great way for young people to get involved at church is be helping others younger than you. Jumpstart always needs volunteers! You can also attend any service projects we do or help raise money for things we support like the PRC or missions teams. You should also get involved at school! You can join FCA or service organizations and help be a positive influence in non-Christian communities.
If you get a chance to meet Abby, take that chance as she is a joyful, fun loving individual who loves Jesus and wants to make him known.