Immeasurably Nervous


I must confess, building programs make me immeasurably nervous.

That is a bit awkward, considering that several months ago, our pastor asked me to head up the Communication Team for Immeasurably More, the umbrella under which we prepare for Northstar’s new ministry center. (I said, “Yes,” by the way.)

Why the nervousness? First of all, my personality can lean towards a skepticism and “prove it” mentality, which made it normal for me to raise an eyebrow and ask, “Do we really need this?” Some of my other apprehensions can be symbolized in a couple words:

  • Campaign – Inevitably, people will talk about a “building campaign” or “fundraising campaign,” and after a presidential election year, I am weary of the word “campaign.”
  • Nomadic – For all of Northstar’s history, we have been a bit nomadic. I love that, without a building, it seems easier to remember that the church is a people, not a place.

Several weeks ago, my friend Steve Bodtke shared at a Sunday morning service about giving and how he was “won over” to the need, the timing, and the plan for moving towards our new ministry center. I sat there and said, “Amen, Steve” (but very quietly, as we are an approximately 7-amens-per-year church). Steve’s thoughts captured my own for a few reasons (I like lists):

  • Timing – The school system is not a long-term option as they have placed a two-year limit on churches that rent from them. Also, after 10-plus years of looking at property options, there was so much that has proven to be right and fitting about the land where we will build.
  • Place – The land is on the growing edge of Blacksburg, a place well-suited to serve, host, and launch opportunities to communicate the deep and powerful love of Jesus.
  • Mentality – In listening to the Leadership Board, staff, and Building Team, I have never heard anything that communicates this building will mean we have “arrived” as a church. The consistent message is that the building is simply a tool to better do what we do–be the church.

So, whether you are fully on board with Immeasurably More or whether you still have at least a smidgen of nervousness, pray for our leaders as they lead us out in faith to be the church.

Personally, I’m seeking to put the nervousness aside and dive in with the exciting faith journey ahead, because Northstar has seen again and again that He consistently does “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).”