Kids’ Ministry Spotlight – Courtney Davis

Blog, Children's Ministry

Northstar Church is blessed to have so many amazing volunteers who give of their time and energy each week. Our volunteers who work in Northstar Kids are no exception. These are the leaders in our children’s classrooms who help us teach our kids what it means to have a relationship with Jesus. This week, get to know Courtney Davis!

In which classroom do you volunteer the most?

Blossoms (3-5 year olds)

What made you decide to volunteer in children’s ministry?

I did nursery and taught Sunday School at my church back home, so I knew when I started attending Northstar that I wanted to continue that. It also gives me a “break” from being a college student by interacting with kids & families.

What do you like most about volunteering with children?

Seeing week by week how much they absorb is amazing! Sometimes it may not seem like they are paying attention but they are great little multi-taskers. 😉

What has God taught you through teaching children?

Patience and understanding. Both of these traits go a long way and working in children’s ministry has shown me how important those are to express to everyone you meet.

Do you have a favorite “kid moment?” If so, what was it and why does it stand out in your mind?

My favorite moments would be when we open up prayer time and some of the kids will pray for a family member, a pet, or one of the other kids in the class. It’s so sweet to hear what’s on their mind and hear them talk to God one-on-one. On a lighter note, they LOVE music and definitely have better dance moves than I ever will.

Do you volunteer in any other ministries at Northstar or in the community?

I only volunteer in the children’s ministry, but am very involved in Connect and small group at Northstar.

What do you like to do outside of church? What are your hobbies?

When I’m not busy with my hospitality club on campus, I love to spend time with my friends and go hiking, attend concerts, or travel!


Courtney is an incredible addition to our Kids’ Ministry team. When you get a chance, be sure to thank her for all she does!