2017 Volunteer Appreciation Car wash


Saturday, May 6 was a record breaking day.

According to Aaron Peck, May 6 saw the lowest high in Virginia weather history or something like that. It was cold. And the record for the most cars of volunteers washed by Northstar staff: something under 100 cars in two hours.

Okay, maybe I am not being serious about the facts but I am serious about how much the staff loves the volunteers at Northstar. We really appreciate how hard Northstar folks labor to serve visitors, the community, one another, and the mission of Jesus.

So it was our privilege to serve those volunteers (and there were a bunch of them) who were able to come to the ministry center between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. We vacuumed and washed their cars while they enjoyed some food, games, and fellowship in the warmth of the ministry center.

If you’re one of our diligent volunteers who were unable to make it out to our car wash event, know that we appreciate you, too! Northstar Church wouldn’t be the family it is without you!