Looking Back at Gadgets & Gizmos

Blog, Children's Ministry

Saturday morning, July 15, we kicked off the beginning of our Northstar Kids’ Camp: Gadgets and Gizmos as our volunteers gathered at the Northstar Ministry Center for a time of training, fellowship, fun, and preparation. We had about 60 volunteers serve at Kids’ Camp this year!

Monday through Wednesday evenings, kids and families were greeted with smiles as they arrived, then headed to their first activities. Each evening, our elementary and preschool kids heard a Bible story, worshiped, created fun snacks, engaged in small group discussions, played games, and made crafts. We were blessed with the opportunity throughout the week to welcome families who were playing at the park to join us at camp. We had 6 children from the park participate and about 90 children total participate!

Thursday evening was our Family Experience. All families were invited to join us for dinner, a Bible story, Alex Kacere telling the Bible in 90 seconds (he did it!), and a game that involved some messy parent participation.

Overall, it was an amazing week to see our church body come together and serve by BEING THE CHURCH to our community. Continue to pray for lives to be changed by Jesus as we hope seeds were planted this week.