Welcome Christmas


I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations. For I said, “Steadfast love will be built up forever; in the heavens you will establish your faithfulness.” —Psalm 89:1-2 ESV

During Jeff’s first December Nights message, I couldn’t help but picture the Whos of Whoville, the famous characters from Dr.Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Despite the Grinch’s attempt to stop Christmas from coming, we discover the Whos not to be sad, but glad as they join hands to sing at the end of this much loved story. The Grinch heard the Whos singing. Their singing had heart changing effects on the Grinch. His heart grew three sizes that day!

In his message, Jeff shared from Psalm 89: I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; With my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.” He challenged us to think about what it might look like to communicate God’s love to others? What might it look like if we went verbal? How might we have a heart changing effect on others this season. The Whos used song. But maybe you don’t see yourself joining hands and singing like a Who (or maybe you do!). What are some ways we can communicate God’s love to others this holiday season? Inspired by Jeff’s message, I have created a list of ways to go verbal. Please take or even add to this list as you interact with others this season!

  • Smile – God sent Jesus to save us!
  • Greet others use Merry Christmas! God Bless!
  • Listen to the classics – Jeff mentioned many classic Christmas songs in his message. Create your own playlist of classic Christmas songs and listen to them with fresh ears and a joyful heart. Hear the message of Christ in each song. (You may start to sing along which may lead to you doing number 1!)
  • Tweet it/Facebook it/Instagram it – Your favorite Advent verse or maybe your favorite Christmas song. There is a lot to share through text, pic, or video.
  • Blog about it – Use your own blog or contribute to the Northstar Blog!
  • Share The Case For Christmas with someone this thin volume by Lee Strobel may help start conversation with an unbeliever. Pick up your copy at our next December Nights
  • Share and pray – Visit with a friend, neighbor or family member you a haven’t seen in awhile. Ask them to share their story with you. Pray with/for them.
  • Share your story – How has God been working in your life? Tell someone your story or write it down.

However you choose to proclaim His faithfulness,  I pray that He will use it to have heart changing effects on those around you. The Whos knew to sing, but you and I know Who to sing about!  

Just for fun, here is that famous clip from How The Grinch Stole Christmas Enjoy!