A Latte Encouragement Recap – Broadening Our Focus

Blog, Children's Ministry

Most kids love blind bags – those tiny foil packages concealing some random plastic treasure. What Lego minifigure could it be? Which scent will the Num Nom be? The thrill of the surprise is met with great anticipation, even joy. But as adults, we often dread the unknown and feel heightened anxiety when things seem uncertain.

For many moms, the beginning of a new school year brings on these feelings of fear. What will my child encounter at school? What will I do without my child at home anymore? At Northstar’s 2018 Latte Encouragement event, speaker and veteran grandmother Ronnie Bluey reminded an audience of mothers that even though our task of nurturing is difficult, we are instructed in Scripture to trust in the Lord and not be anxious about anything (Prov. 3:5-6 and Phil. 4:6-8.) She shared her experiences throughout the various transitions of her mothering years and challenged us to rally against common pitfalls of motherhood. We can easily become self-absorbed with our own burdens and worries, and our pride can keep us from admitting these weaknesses. Without honesty, we cannot create meaningful community. Our spiritual myopia keeps us from experiencing God’s peace (1 Peter 5:6-7) and also keeps us from the completion of the work to which He has called us (Col. 4:17.) He has been clear in His Word that we are to teach our children in His ways (Deut. 6:7-9) and give our lives to His service. Therefore, the best way to overcome this fear and anxiety that we feel is to cast every worry upon God and broaden our focus to other areas of ministry that He has prepared for us. Like children, we can face our “blindness” with an eager expectation of God’s blessing and His care. We can search with joy for opportunities to love as He loves us.

While the strong coffee and delicious donuts were a welcome treat in the busyness of the back-to-school morning, the real delight was the sharing of tears, laughter, and prayers. Through the heartfelt words of Ronnie and the timeless truths of Scripture, we were all able to remember that God is always with us and will help us in every stage of our mothering journeys – and that is a “latte encouragement.”