Hurricane Service


The expectation of Hurricane Florence’s effects in the Blacksburg area required a slight change of plans when Blacksburg Middle School had to close over the weekend!

But God provided in the form of the Blacksburg Community Center, which opened its doors to us, allowing us to worship together as a church family!

Of course, a change of venue and having only one service instead of two pales in comparison to the devastation that Hurricane Florence has left in her wake in many areas. If you are interested and willing to lend a hand with disaster relief, please follow this link to fill out a form letting us know of your interest.

Remember that next Sunday, September 23, is BE’N’GO Sunday. We will not have worship services that day, but encourage everyone to BE THE CHURCH in our communities and on our campuses. If you are interested in getting involved with a project next Sunday, click here!

Thank you to all who joined us at the Blacksburg Community Center for such a special time of worship! And thank you to each and every volunteer who worked so hard to make it possible!