New Member Spotlight: Britton Lee


This entry is part 8 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Welcome back to a new feature on the Northstar blog where we take a moment to welcome and get to know some of our newest church members! In this post, we meet Britton Lee!

Tell the church a little about yourself:
I am a junior studying Computer Science, and I hope to work in the defense industry when I graduate.

What brought you to Blacksburg/Virginia Tech?
Both of my sisters went to Tech, I wanted to do engineering, and in-state tuition is always nice!

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?
I love how devoted to scripture Northstar is in sending people out to share the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus. It is great to know that I don’t go to a church that only teaches you how to have a better relationship with Jesus, but also how to bring others into that relationship through service and ministry.

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve:
I went to McLean Bible Church (a massive megachurch in Northern VA) where I played the drums for the high school ministry. I also went to Blue Ridge Church early on in college and volunteered in the kids ministry.

We are so excited to welcome Britton into our Northstar family! If you haven’t had a chance to meet him yet, be sure to look for him on Sunday morning!

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