New Member Spotlight: Dylan & Carol Lischau


This entry is part 11 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

We are excited to welcome Dylan and Carol Lischau into our Northstar family! If you haven’t had a chance to meet them yet, look for them on Sunday morning! They began visiting in June 2018 and joined after they moved to Blacksburg from Texas in September 2018.

Tell the church a little about yourself.

Dylan is a student at ATP flight school and is in pursuit of a career as a commercial airline pilot. He also considers himself a musician, a craftsman, an amateur comedian, a coffee connoisseur, and an adventurer.

Carol is a poet and a first year graduate student in the MFA Creative Writing program at Virginia Tech. She loves artisan baking, playing board games, snuggling their cat Pevensie, and taking walks in autumn weather.

What brought you to Blacksburg/Virginia Tech?

“It was absolutely the Lord who brought us to Blacksburg –– we decided last minute for Carol to apply to MFA programs all over the country, and after being waitlisted until the final acceptance deadline, she was accepted to Virginia Tech’s MFA Creative Writing Program. So much of our waiting season was surrendered in prayer, so we know the Lord has specific purpose for us in Blacksburg. We are eagerly watching his will unfold.”

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?

“In the season before moving here, the Lord was actively renewing our understanding of communing with him. He revealed his love for us in specific and new ways and powerfully released us from captivity to legalism, fear, addiction, and unforgiveness. Through all this, he has given us new hearts for prayer and for spiritual gifts as ways to commune intimately with him. We are excited to be the church with Northstar by giving ourselves to pray, listen, intercede with and for our new church, knowing that he is a God who loves to speak to his children and to transform every area of our lives. We are eager to serve through prayer anyone at Northstar who longs to experience rich and radical joy in knowing the God we serve.”

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve.

“We were members of The Village Church in Denton, Texas, and served on the intercessory prayer team.”

The Lischaus have jumped into Northstar with prayer ministry and are active in Trey and Rebecca Moore’s small group.

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