Reflections on Endurance

Grand Connect

I was blessed to be a part of the conversation by Dave Cianelli on ENDURANCE from our November gathering. I asked him to talk about endurance because he is head coach of a D-1 university and has gotten voted best coach for 15 years!!!! He must do something significant to motivate these college students to excel like they have for VT! He is a gentle giant that speaks softly but makes a big impact!

After sharing scripture with us, he added that he works with college kids from a variety of backgrounds that need stability and focus. He learns to teach the kids what they need to get rid of the typical weights that most college kids come to school thinking….I AM FREE TO STAY UP LATE, EAT WHATEVER, DRINK ALCOHOL,ETC. But to be good at their race they have to live a lifestyle of discipline……habits that support their competition day victories!

Track is similar to the race we all run in life……individually we are accountable to God, but we are part of a team here on earth. We are to have fellowship and focus on what REALLY matters! For the DAY is coming when we all will be held accountable for the way we live our one life! Dave said as a coach, he must be the athletes’ stability at times since some come from shaky backgrounds, being their ROCK as well as help them focus on what they need to do to be successful not just in track and field but in the longer race of LIFE! We develop character as we endure the hard training and end up with hope as we persevere. We will reap a harvest if we stay in the race!

In the Grand Connect, I know that life has chapters, and we can look back and see the faithfulness of God as well as the necessity of getting fellowship and encouraging our teammates to keep our eyes fixed on our Savior, Jesus Christ as we discipline ourselves with praying and renewing our minds in the truth of the Word of God.

We all want to hear WELL DONE at the end of our race… let us pray, encourage and exhort our fellow believers as we run the race STRONG in Christ to the finish line!