New Member Spotlight: Jordan Shanahan

Blog, College Ministry

This entry is part 21 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

You will probably recognize Jordan as one of our vocalists on the worship team, so take a few minutes and get to know her as a new member…

Hello Northstar! My name is Jordan and I am a sophomore at Virginia Tech (but I’m graduating a year early so I guess I’m a junior?). I am from northern Virginia, and back home I have a lot of pets (4 dogs, 2 cats, and a fish to be exact). I am obsessed with dogs and overall just an animal lover. I’m also super outgoing and love making friends, so don’t hesitate to reach out! 🙂
I came to Blacksburg to attend Virginia Tech, and I am so excited about being the church at Northstar because I have never really been involved with a church community that has that same motto, and I think it’s extremely important. I firmly believe that church success is based on the positive impact that church has on the community around it.
My old church at home was huge, and it was honestly really difficult to get involved on a personal level in both church community and outreach. This is the first church I have been to that has a true close knit community, and that is something that is very important to me. I already love serving on worship team, and it was such a blessing to be able to go on the service trip for hurricane relief in New Bern, NC last fall with Northstar. I can’t wait to get more involved with missions, community outreach opportunities and spreading the Gospel!
My favorite hobbies are singing, reading, drinking coffee, traveling, spending time with friends, and exploring the outdoors.

Jordan how would you rate Jeff on the humorous scale of “1-funniest pastor I have ever had but looks aren’t everything”  to “10 – He genuinely makes me laugh”?

Jeff is definitely an 11:)
I got to visit with Jordan when she attended the Discovering Northstar class and I can vouch that what she said about being outgoing and loving to make friends is really true so make sure you talk to her before worship one Sunday.  We are soooo thankful to have young people like Jordan who love Jesus and love the church!
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