New Member Spotlight: Jackson Smith


This entry is part 20 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Welcome Jackson Smith as a new member! Jackson is involved in one of Northstar’s D28 groups (our discipleship ministry).

Tell us a little about yourself (and your family if applicable).

I am from Ashburn, Virginia. I am a sophomore at Tech, and I am in Navy ROTC. I’m the baby of my family, but I still stand almost a head above my two older sisters. Of God’s creation, dogs are definitely in my top favorites.

What brought you to Blacksburg?

My dad is a VT alum, so I have grown up wearing maroon and orange. I always wanted to be a student here, and I am so grateful to be a Hokie.

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?

I got to go down to New Bern, NC with the relief group in September after the hurricane. That was a great experience, and I hope to have more like it. I also love the community at Northstar, it’s great getting plugged in, and everyone is always so welcoming.

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve (or how you hope to serve at Northstar)?

Before finding Northstar, I went to a really big church at home in northern Virginia, and finding Northstar was great because it felt more like a family and was much easier to get involved. I’m excited to get plugged in with the creative content team.

What is your favorite hobby? (or what do you like to do as a family?)

I love being on the water, fishing and riding jet skis every time I get the chance.

What is a favorite story or teaching of Jesus?

One of my favorite quotes by Jesus is found in Matthew 23:11: “The greatest among you shall be your servant.” I love this because Jesus was truly a servant to those around Him, and service is super important to me.

Jackson is one of the many students at Northstar that remind us how grateful we are to Be the Church in a university community.


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