New Member Spotlight: Morgan Smith


This entry is part 2 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Let us introduce to you Morgan Smith. He is involved in the BCM at Virginia Tech, loves outdoors and is wrestling through whether he’s “called” to vocational ministry. Take a few minutes to read Morgan’s answers to the Member Spotlight questions, and be on the lookout for him this Sunday so you can welcome him to the Northstar family.

Tell the church little about yourself (and your family if applicable).

I grew up on a small beef farm in Abingdon, Virginia with my parents and my younger brother Caleb. I am a senior this year at Virginia Tech studying Real Estate with a minor in Agribusiness. I love to spend time outdoors and spending time in creation – hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, etc.

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?

A lot of churches I have been to seem to be theologically sound but don’t have a lot of outreach programs or many ways to apply scripture to real life.  I was drawn to Northstar because of their servant heart for their community and fellow Christians.

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve.

My roles in my previous church were pretty limited due to my age and schedule being in high school, but I always enjoyed the smaller more intimate groups in the church where we were able to ask serious personal questions and hash them out.

What is one of your favorite stories about Jesus?

My favorite story or teaching of Jesus is about the lady who touched the hem of his garment because it shows that our desire for Jesus is what truly bring us closer to him and gives us power through him.
Thanks, Morgan! Northstar is excited to see where God takes you after graduation.
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