New Member Spotlight: Christian Jones


This entry is part 1 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Christian was helping with youth even before he became a member. We are really grateful for college students like Christian who are ready and willing to serve. Thanks, Christian!  Learn a little about Christian below, and then make him feel welcome, especially you parents with kids in Northstar Youth.

Hey, Northstar Family! My name is Christian, and I’m a sophomore at Virginia Tech striving for a Physics degree. My home base is in Orange County, VA (unfortunately not Florida or California) where my crazy but awesome family, comprised of my mom, dad, sister, and soon to be doggo live. Luckily, I grew up in a household where  going to church was a big tradition since before I could even walk, but it became my heart’s desire to attend after I was saved in 2011, although not immediately. Even though I made the life changing decision to follow Jesus, I didn’t start really living it out until 2013, when God got me heavily involved in my youth group and prepared me to start going on mission trips and helping out in my community. Ever since then, I’ve been coming to know Him more, and I’ve started to realize how He wants to use me while I’m in Blacksburg.

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?

I’ve been excited for a long time to reach people with the Gospel, and Northstar is a church provides ample opportunity and teachings to help me do that. I don’t think I’ve met such a large group of people so on fire for God as the members of Northstar.

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve and how you are serving at Northstar:

After a lot of participation in the youth group at my previous church, I felt God calling my towards working with youth again here at Northstar. I am now the newest leader of the coolest youth group in the New River Valley!

I love in Luke 18: 15-17 when the disciples attempt to keep children from coming to Jesus. Jesus instead shows his love for each and every one of them by calling the children to Him. He gives us such a great example of how both the Gospel and His love are for everyone, and how each of us should strive to have the natural faith of a child instead of questioning all the plans God has for us.

Don’t forget about our March 3 Member Meeting at 5-7:00 p.m. at Grace Covenant (2101 Shadow Lake Rd). You will get a chance to meet Christian and many of the other new members.

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