New Member Spotlight: David & Gloria McEwen


This entry is part 31 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Tell the church a little about yourself

My husband David, our daughter Melissa, and I all moved here from St. Petersburg, Florida, at the end of June 2018. We immediately started attending Northstar, because David and Melissa had scouted out churches the year before and made an excellent decision. In addition to David, Melissa and myself, one of my brothers is moving here from St. Petersburg the first of April and will be living with us. Our household also consists of three rescued dogs, all Maltese and all boys: Tucker, Brody, and Ziggy.

What brought you to Blacksburg?

David closed his law practice and retired. I have a brother who lives in Christiansburg with his wife. They have three grown children with spouses and seven grandchildren.

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?

I love the preaching/teaching we receive each Sunday, and I also love how passionate Jeff is about deepening each member’s relationship with God. We believe that the church’s mission is to go and make disciples. Plus, right from the beginning we met some great people and have become great friends.

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve (Or how you are or hope to serve at NS?)

We attended a downtown Methodist church for almost thirty years. David actively participated in outreach both locally and overseas. He co-led a youth hiking ministry near Damascus for a number of years.  

 David and the senior pastor worked for approximately two years putting together a multi-site church (same church, different location) which focused on the unchurched, and then it launched in 2015. I helped with the Children’s Ministry, Prayer Ministry, and hospitality at the new plant.  

I was called to Stephen Ministry and got into a class in 2001. After that training, I went to Orlando for the Stephen Ministry leader training. From 2012-2014, I led Stephen Ministry. David was part of the first class I trained, and later he also became a Stephen Ministry Leader.

What is your favorite hobby?

David’s favorite hobby is definitely reading well-written books — all the time.

My favorite hobby is quilting, but wish I had more time for it.  I love all things in nature and go on walks with David when it isn’t cold. 

How would you rate Jeff on the humor scale?

We’ll pass on this one.

What is one of your favorite stories or teaching of Jesus?

David’s favorite story or teaching of Jesus is Matthew 28:19: “Go and make disciples,” because He is using him to build His Kingdom.

Gloria’s favorite story or teaching of Jesus is the woman at the well. Jesus knew everything about this stranger, a Samaritan woman, and He forgave her. And then she joyfully went and witnessed to others who became believers!  John 4:7-42

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