New Member Spotlight: Paisleigh Price


This entry is part 27 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

We’re grateful that Paisleigh Price has joined our church family. She also recently applied and was approved to serve as one of our staff interns. You’ll see her behind the scenes a lot as she serves you and our staff.

Tell the church little about yourself

I am a junior at VT studying history and psychology. I’m from Virginia Beach and Columbia, SC. I plan to go to law school when I graduate!

What brought you to Blacksburg?

I transferred to Tech from Baylor University my sophomore year, and I’m so thankful for the transition! Virginia Tech gives me so many incredible opportunities, and I love being able to get involved in the Blacksburg community.

Why are you excited about being the church with Northstar?

Something that is really important to me is meaningful relationships, and sharing the love of Jesus through the connections I have every day, and I’m excited to learn how to do that better through Northstar’s teachings. Northstar is so intentional about applying the Word of God to our entire lives, and I really want to be more intentional about that.

Tell us about your previous church and ways you were able to serve.

I attended First Baptist Church of Columbia during middle school and helped with the youth ministry during summer 2018. I went to First Baptist of Norfolk during high school, and served as a children’s ministry intern during summer 2017. Both of these churches were filled with incredible communities of believers who challenged and supported me. I’m blessed to have the opportunity to intern with Northstar and I look forward to everything I am going to learn from the experience!

What is your favorite hobby?

I love ballet, I’ve been dancing since I was two. I really enjoy expressing myself through ballet, and showing others why I love it so much! I dance with the Ballet Project at VT, and I teach at Little Leapers dance studio.

What’s your favorite story of Jesus?

My favorite story of Jesus is that of the woman at the well (John 4:4-42) because I am reminded that no matter how ostracized you feel, how insignificant you think you are, how many mistakes you’ve made over and over, Jesus loves and wants to know you. He wants to use you exactly as you are, no matter how messy, to fulfill his awesome purpose.

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