Faith at Work: Bobby Grisso


This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Faith at Work

A great perk of ministry is getting to work with a lot of amazing people. One of the joys for the staff is watching God work through church members in their vocation. After all, most believers will spend the majority of their time at work and home.  Recently I stopped by Bobby Grisso’s office in Seitz Hall on the Virginia Tech campus. Bobby is a Northstar Leadership Board member, a small group leader, and always ready to help others with a project.

Bobby earned his B.S. and M.S in Agricultural Engineering at VT before completing his Ph.D in the same field at Auburn University. He taught at the University of Nebraska for sixteen years before returning to Virginia Tech in 2001 where he has taught in the Department of Biological Systems and is currently serving as the interim department head.  He also served as the Associate Director for Virginia Cooperative Extension for seven years.

Bobby’s family roots were in the Virginia farming community, and he still loves and serves them in his role at Virginia Tech. Bobby is also involved in the Bradley Study Center (formly Christians Scholars Network). The BSC mission is “to engage Virginia Tech students, faculty, and community members in the rich intellectual traditions of the Christian faith and explore its implications for every aspect of life.”

When I asked Bobby about his involvement in the Bradley Study Center he said that he “wanted a place where faith is integrated into academic endeavors and the whole of life.” Bobby is to living in a way that graciously interjects his relationship with Jesus into conversations about parenting, marriage, leadership, and even hobbies.

“I want to be aware of what God is doing and join Him.”  

One of the verses that describes Bobby’s approach to life and work is Colossians 3:23-24:

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Want to Read More in this Series?<< Men At Work – Darrell CookMen At Work – Jim Rancourt >>