Passion Week Devotional: Easter Sunday


This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2019

Three days

It had been three days. I try to put myself in the disciples shoes, what they must be feeling, the disappointment the confusion. They had given up everything to follow this guy named Jesus who said he was the Messiah. He was crucified, died and was buried. What now?

As Mary Magdalene and the other women approached Jesus’ tomb on the third day, there to care for their dead friends’ body, they experienced the surprise of their lives, he was gone! Not only was he gone but then two angels appeared and asked “Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He is not here, but he has risen!” Moments later Mary sees the proof. Jesus appears to her and she calls out “Rabboni” in Aramaic which means “Teacher.” Jesus tells her to go tell the disciples what she has seen.

Later that day as the disciples are huddled together with doors locked because of fear of the Jews. Jesus appeared to them and said “Peace be with you.” I wonder what the disciples initial thoughts were, maybe “Have I been in this house too long?” But then Jesus shows them his hands and his side. Can you imagine? Being there with Jesus and seeing the holes in his hands where they had been pierced with nails three days earlier and the wound in his side.

Doubting Thomas

Thomas wasn’t there that day so it was hard for him to believe what the other disciples were telling him. Thomas said he wouldn’t believe until he touched Jesus’ wounds. A week later, Jesus, full of love for Thomas asked him to put his finger in his wounds to be reassured his Savior was the real deal.

Do we believe that Jesus is the real deal?

That he was crucified, died, was buried and then was RAISED TO LIFE after three days? Anyone who can predict his death, die and then come back to life three days later and appear to multiple people who have written multiple accounts of the experience which have survived thousands of years seems like someone I can 100% put my trust in.

Every day Easter

We celebrate Easter once a year, but wouldn’t it be amazing if we truly remembered the meaning of Easter each day?  We have a Savior that came to earth as a human, died for our sins and then came back to life and showed his pierced human flesh to others. We will never see the human flesh of Jesus in this life but we do have the promise of Jesus “Blessed are those who have not seen but yet believe.” (John 20:29) I am thankful for a Savior that although I can not see I can absolutely believe in what He has done for you and me. Happy Easter!

Want to Read More in this Series?<< Passion Week Devotional: Saturday