WWW: Why we web


If our staff has heard me once, they’ve heard me 1000 times: “We need blog entries!”

The strategic importance of web ministry: go where they are

I am a firm believer in web ministry. I’ve been a personal blogger since 1997. When I was a pastor and church planter in Monticello, Arkansas, I was bivocational for several years, creating and designing websites for clients as owner of a graphic design agency. The value of the web for connecting people cannot be overstated, and often the church must be reminded that we must go where “they” are if we are going to reach and build bridges to our communities.

We’ve all been blessed by the internet. It’s a tool that can be wielded for great god in ministry. Think about a podcast or website that has been an encouragement to you. I personally have been blessed by the web ministry of DesiringGod.org.

Northstar’s growing web ministry

When I came to Northstar in July 2009, one of the things I prioritized was not just an attractive but an effective church website. I wanted people to be able to get information and inspiration from what we publish on the web.

If you think of the web as a town, then our church’s presence on the web is a lot like seeking to have an impact in a town we live in. People are on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. And so should we be. We want to go where people are, and when we’re there, we want them to know about Jesus and how He has changed our lives and how He can change theirs.

And so we post, blog, and Insta story. We use every means available to impact as many as possible.

Help us tell stories!

We are always on the lookout for creatives. Writers, photographers, videographers and artists. Help us tell stories! We want to tell ordinary stories that will touch, captivate, intrigue and inspire. If you’d be willing to serve or contribute creatively, please contact Joseph Hunter. He’s our team leader on our website and graphics these days.

In the months to come, you’ll be seeing our newly-designed Northstar website. Many thanks to Haley Bengtson for her work behind the scenes on this, which has even included focus groups. I appreciate her diligence and contributions to helping our church have a creative presence on the web to tell the greatest story ever.