Three reasons that Northstar is big on Small Groups


Northstar is fortunate to have quality biblically-centered teaching and many skilled worship leaders. The weekly Sunday gathering is encouraging, convicting, and to be honest, a lot of fun.  But there are many reasons why Northstar staff and leaders encourage every member and regular attender to get involved in a small group.

Three reasons to get involved in a small group:

1. Small groups provide a place to know and be known.

Most of us want to get to know people, to have friends and to live in community. Theologians tell us this isn’t just selfishness but part of being created by the one true God that exists in perfect community. Really getting to know others is difficult if the only opportunity is a large group environment. A small group is the perfect environment to build relationships over time. They are designed with sharing in mind.

2. Small groups provide a place to be the church.

So much of the New Testament teaching requires up close and personal relationships to live out.  Even a surface-level reading of the Gospels and church letters anchor following Jesus in real relationships with real people. Jesus told the disciples, “All men will know you are my disciples by your love for one another.” (John 13:35) Peter teaches the church that ministry equals serving one another. (I Peter 4:10) Paul commands the church to take on each other’s burdens and fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2) How can any of these important realities happen unless we actually know each other?  In a small group it is possible to get to know each other and meet each other’s needs and so be the church to one another.

3.  Small groups provide a community to encourage spiritual growth.

Most of us want to know Jesus more and do the things that help us grow in Him. But if we are honest, we need the help and encouragement of others. That is why small groups are part of our discipleship strategy.  The hope is that our groups are more than just fun and fellowship. They are intended to be a place to talk about the sermon, be in scripture, share our struggles, and pray for one another.

If you have not already, make sure you sign up for a small group!

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