Foundational Prayers

News, Opportunities

As we prepare to transition into our new ministry center, you are invited to a prayer experience that we believe is part of the most practical and important work that we can do in these days.  On Saturday, January 30 and Sunday, January 31 we will open up the ministry center from 10:00 a.m. to noon both days for an opportunity we are calling Foundational Prayers.

When you arrive at the ministry center a greeter will give you a prayer sheet and lead you into the worship area.  At that point the carpet will not be in place yet, so we are asking people to grab a sharpie and write out a prayer or prayers on the floor.  It’s that simple.  We hope that from this experience people will…

  • …be reminded that praying is the most important work we can be doing in the preparation for and transition into the new ministry center.
  • …have time to process through and lift up exactly what you want to be praying about how God will use this center and more importantly, how He will use us.
  • …hopefully even years from now look down at the ground on Sunday mornings and remember that prayer is foundational to our worship of God and work with God.

Please come join us on January 30 or 31 for Foundational Prayers.  Whether because of a full schedule or health and safety concerns, we do not want to leave out those who cannot come that weekend.  If you can’t come, feel free to email your prayers before that weekend and we will have someone write it out for you.

At a Glance

  • Foundational Prayers (we will supply the pens!)
  • Saturday/Sunday, January 30-31, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. both days
  • Contact Darrell to email your prayers if you cannot participate.