Bethany Teague

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Posts by Bethany Teague

College ministry in COVID


Welcome to college…ish. Shirt, shoes, mask required. Classes largely online, even from your dorms. Townies told to report you if they see you with too many friends.  Are you feeling the love, students?  What a weird college experience you must be having. It’s undoubtedly one that looks so different from what you had last year, or what you were pumped …

The COVID Connection Project


This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Caught in the Act

Recently Northstar member Bethany Teague created a video for her company titled #InItTogether. After we saw it, we asked her to write a blog about her experience: Unprecedented, historic, strange.  If I had a roll of toilet paper for every time I’ve heard these words since March 1, I could drink milk for life without a care.  And as much …