About the Author

Caitlyn Scaggs

Caitlyn Scaggs is a long-term member. She serves in children’s ministry, and her husband Adam serves on the Safety Response Team. Their kids Harper and Peyton are active in the children’s ministry and love getting to church in time for donuts (with sprinkles!). She currently serves as an Associate Vice President at Radford University as a marketing, communications and public relations professional She is a blogger, runner and loves fuzzy socks. Caitlyn has a heart for supporting and empowering other women.

Posts by Caitlyn Scaggs

Northstar is…


Our church is located in Blacksburg, Virginia. We are fortunate to live, work, and worship in a community that is situated against the breathtaking backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our faith family is a dynamic mixture of young adults, families and internationals. Virginia Tech, Radford University, grad and medical and veterinarian school students all worship with us and are …

Think to Change: Worship


God is both good and great! He is perfectly compassionate and loving, while also sovereign and powerful. When we digest and internalize these truths, we can worship with all our hearts. Darrell Cook, the director of the Virginia Tech Baptist Collegiate Ministry, delivered our message on worship as part of our Think to Change series. [Listen here.] Darrell began by asking us …

Staff Spotlight: Meet Julie Jewel


Hello! Thank you for checking out “Staff Spotlight” here on the Northstar blog. These regular posts are aimed at helping you learn more about the staff here at Northstar Church. We are blessed to have a staff consisting of passionate, loving, and Christ-focused people. For this week’s post, we are excited to introduce to you our Children’s Ministry Director, Julie Jewell. Julie is …

{Video} Testimony: Erica Thorton


We are so thankful for Erica Thorton’s willingness to share her faith story. Erica chooses to find her joy in Jesus and she chooses to rejoice in blessings rather than become overwhelmed by struggles and challenges. We especially loved when she said, “My ultimate prayer is that you can see the joy and light of Christ in me. No matter what my life …

{Video} Becoming a Person of Love


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XA7J2NA6bQ&w=420&h=315] Adam Wilson, our Discipleship and College Minister, recently took us through the idea of what it means to become a person of love, as part of our Think to Change summer series. The focal passage of Adam’s message was 1 John 4:7-12: Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born …

Staff Spotlight: Meet Adam Wilson


Hello! Thank you for checking out the first “Staff Spotlight” here on the Northstar blog. These regular posts are aimed at helping you learn more about the staff here at Northstar Church. We are blessed to have a staff consisting of passionate, loving, and Christ-focused people. For this week’s post, we are pleased to introduce to you our Minister of College and …

“A Miracle at the Lake”


July 5th was an especially beautiful worship service for Northstar Blacksburg and Northstar Pulaski. We joined together at Claytor Lake for one unified service. Jeff Noble, the lead pastor at Northstar Blacksburg delivered a message entitled, “A Miracle at the Lake.” (click link for podcast) The breathtaking backdrop of Claytor Lake provided the perfect context for a sermon that was based on …

Claytor Lake Service: Gallery


On Sunday, July 5, Northstar Blacksburg and Northstar Pulaski joined together for a morning of worship at Claytor Lake in Dublin. We had to improvise a little, due to the overcast and drizzly weather, but didn’t let that stop us from and incredible morning of outdoor worship. We sang together, prayed together, and heard a message from Northstar Blacksburg’s lead pastor, Jeff Noble. We …

Think to Change: Love


We had a powerful & memorable service this past Sunday. We welcomed our youth group back from their week long trip to Crossroads Camp, we observed the Lord’s Supper, and heard an excellent sermon (listen here) from Adam Wilson on love.  We also worshiped the Lord with the Northstar Worship team–to include a joyful rendition of the classic country gospel song, I …