Erin Petersen

Erin grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania then attended Messiah College where she played lacrosse and earned her degree in Exercise Science with a minor in Marriage and Family Counseling. Since then she has been working in the health and fitness field in various positions. She and her husband, Andrew, were living in Baltimore and had just had their first child when they wanted to move away from the city and relocate to Blacksburg.

Erin has a heart for college students and is committed to investing in their future. She believes it's an imperative time to deepen their faith and relationship with Jesus so they can truly rest in whose hands their futures lie.

Erin enjoys working out, reading, eating Chipotle and Skinny Caramel Macchiato's at Starbucks. Her favorite movie is Braveheart and favorite book is What's So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey. She and Andrew have three children: Harper, Finley and Scout.

Erin is the College Minister on the staff at Northstar. Visit our leadership page to get to know the rest of the team.

Connect with Erin

Posts by Erin Petersen

Ode To Our Seniors


Bittersweet. Bitter because we will lose two of you and sweet because Blacksburg will get to keep two of you, at least for a little while longer. Becca, Lissa, Nick and Paisleigh have all served as interns for Northstar and have become near and dear to my heart as well as the rest of the Northstar family. Becca, you were …

Passion Week Devotional: Thursday


This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2020

Even Rocks Can Crumble It was Thursday evening in an upper room in Jerusalem. Jesus and his twelve disciples were gathered around a table to celebrate the Passover – or so they thought. The evening started off already being different with Jesus taking a servant’s place and washing the feet of all of His disciples. Following the foot washing, Jesus …

Joy over circumstance


If you know me at all you know that I am an emotional person and I think that is putting it lightly. When I asked Andrew, after 12 years of marriage, what surprised him most about me after we had gotten married his response was that I CRY so much. Yes, I am a woman and emotions are a thing, …

No Room


So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby …

Five sentences


Summer. Sweet, Sweet Summer. Kids look at summer like sleeping in, pool days and NO SCHOOL. What happens when the first four day’s of summer consisted of rain…RAIN, RAIN, RAIN! It is now the first Monday of summer vacation and after 4 days of a lot of TV and no schedule, mama bear is about to put her good intentions …

Passion Week Devotional: Good Friday


This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2019

Suffering: The darkest day in human history Jesus. He was fully human and fully God. He was servant and King. He was persecuted and exalted. What does all of this have to do with suffering? Our Christ suffered a horrific death on the cross, but if we look to his right and to his left we see two thieves who …

One Thursday…


It all started one Thursday evening… My husband just left for four days, and I got all three kids in bed. Finally I get into my bed. I pull out my book and get three pages in when the dreaded call came… “Hi, this is Brenda with Montgomery County Schools, and you can turn off your alarm clocks because school …

Why I love serving at Northstar: Erin Petersen


This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Why I Love Serving at Northstar

Rose-Colored glasses It was a Thursday afternoon, and I was in Jeff’s office with Neal and Jeff. It was to discuss coming on board to the Northstar staff team. There I sat, with no ministry experience, discussing coming on as interim College Minister. I was very confident of who Jesus was in my life but very unsure of what vocational …

New Member Spotlight: Ashley Burris


This entry is part 16 of 37 in the series New Member Spotlight

Hi, my name is Ashley Burris and I am a junior studying Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise at Virginia Tech. I was born and raised in Virginia Beach, VA by two loving parents, Dean and Lisa Burris, along with my sister Allison. As an infant, my parents baptized me in the Methodist church, professing that they would raise me to …