Jeff Noble

Jeff became Northstar's second pastor in 2009 after the retirement of founding pastor Bob Jackson. He and his family are from southeast Arkansas where he served as a campus minister at the University of Arkansas at Monticello for eight years before planting Journey Church there and serving as its founding pastor for six years.

Jeff's wife, Carolyn, works at Blacksburg High School in the guidance office as the administrative assistant. Their son Sam is on YoungLife staff in Salisbury, NC and married to Sidney. Their daughter Adelyn is a senior at Christopher Newport University and helps lead youth at a local church as well as serving as a worship leader with Cru at CNU.

Jeff desires that Northstar Church continue to encourage others and build spiritual leaders. He blogs regularly at, and his first book called Super Center Savior is available at the church office or through online retailers like Amazon.

Jeff is the Lead Pastor on the staff at Northstar. Visit our leadership page to get to know the rest of the team.

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Posts by Jeff Noble

Slanket Sermon – December 9, 2018

Blog, Podcasts

Snow days mean slanket sermons around Northstar. The tradition began several years ago when snow prevented us from meeting for worship services. Jeff preached a message – in his slanket – and uploaded it for all to share in a message that day. Whether it was the slanket or the snow, everyone loved it, and now the Slanket Sermon has …

Photos: Harvest Hoedown 2018

Blog, Photos

Our annual Harvest Hoedown at Sinkland Farms continues to be a big hit. It’s a fun afternoon/evening for families and friends. Northstar continues to host it in order to meet new people, and have an opportunity to show that “being the church” is fun, relational and intentional. Here are a few of the pictures we took. If you have more …

Photos: Connect Hike & Homeplace

Blog, College Ministry, Photos

On Saturday, October 13, our college ministry journeyed back to McAfee Knob for a hike and restored their calories with a feast at the Homeplace. Here are a few of the pictures we took. If you have more pictures or video, we’d love to add it to our Google photo album. Send your photos to Erin.  

Not Your Grandparents’ Adult Ministry

Grand Connect

Where do you find Veronica “Ronnie” Bluey and Ellen Cianelli on a Friday morning? Typically, outside. That’s when the two of them get together to walk and talk and pray about ideas and dreams for a new ministry that they are spearheading at Northstar Church. “I was asking God what would be a good way to get refocused on what …

Caught in the Act: Megan Bland


This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Caught in the Act

In a September 30, 2018 article in Outside Magazine, Northstar member Megan Bland was featured for her Virginia Tech research team’s work on bicycle helmets. “Manufacturers are pretty limited by liability in what they can say about a helmet’s safety. They can tell you that their helmet meets the standards,” says Megan Bland, a Ph.D. candidate who led the Virginia …

Let’s Keep on With… Seek Say Serve


On February 11 of this year, we observed our annual State of the Church Sunday. If you’ll recall, we had two failed attempts due to inclement weather before we were able to meet. SotC Sunday is one of my favorite moments at Northstar. It gives me an opportunity to geek out a bit with a Keynote presentation (this year’s presentation …

Broaden Our Prayer


In a moment of unsettling clarity, I wrote in my journal last week that I must press beyond selfish prayers. I found myself asking God to broaden my prayers. And it was in that very moment that a couple from Northstar was dropped into my thoughts. I immediately began praying for them. I still don’t know why. But I wrote …

Northstar’s DNA


Every church has a unique personality and style. It’s what differentiates one church from the next. Some of what distinguishes a church is the intentional choices a church makes in its worship or preaching style. Other factors are more intangible. Over the years, our leadership has consistently identified core values that we want to preserve and uplift as a church. …

Sermon Recap: The Creation of Man and Woman


On Sunday, May 13, Jeff preached on Genesis 2 which revisits the creation of man and woman in intimate detail. We learned about the gift of marriage, gender, and mission as man’s aloneness is solved through God’s gracious provision. You can listen to the message here. Here are the slides that were shared and can be viewed in conjunction with …