Jenny Henry

Jenny Henry grew up right here in the New River Valley. She studied Education at Radford University. Jenny taught primary school for seven years before deciding to stay home with her young sons Jack, 8, and Sully, 5. She and her husband, Emanual have been married for ten years. Jenny writes to remind her readers that, through it all, God is good. His love and grace are lavished on us. And we have a hope that will never be put to shame.

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Posts by Jenny Henry

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It was here! A new TARGET catalog. A perfect showcase of all the wonderfully, beautiful things I could own: farmhouse tables, elegant dishes, tufted club chairs, and diamond-printed comforter sets. I casually flipped through the pages while my son, Jack, looked on. “I like those chairs, mommy.” I giggle to myself. Because what the TARGET catalog doesn’t show is how …

Are You Listening?


“I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words.” – Psalm 17:6 ESV Do you ever find yourself wondering, “Is anyone even listening to me!?” I do. Sometimes it seems like my words are only falling on deaf ears. We all joke that some us have “selective hearing”–a condition in …

Before You Go…


Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul. – Psalm 66:16 ESV I enjoy reading on my Kindle. Whenever I come to the end of a novel, just as I tap the screen to turn the last page, a new screen will pop up. It’s heading reads, “Before you …

Where Am I Going to Put All of These Empty Easter Eggs?


Each year after Easter Sunday, after the egg hunts and celebrations, after all the jelly beans have been eaten from them, I find myself faced with the same dilemma: where to put yet another dozen empty Easter eggs?! I grab a bag, big enough to hold this year’s and years past eggs, fill it and stick it on a bottom …

It Was Just Going to be a Bad Day


It was just going to be one of “those days,” I told myself. A day that started like so many of “those days.” I had been up with my youngest son most of the night, only to realize with the light of day, that he and his older brother had woken up with red, itchy eyes. Pink eye. Okay, change …

A Faithful Life


During December Nights, Northstar gave out copies of The Case for Christmas by Lee Strobel. I began reading this thin volume the other day while waiting in the car rider line. Lee opens by sharing an encounter he had with a small family, a grandmother, Perfecta and her two granddaughters, Jenny and Lydia, the Delgados. Lee shares that this family …

Have a Craving for Something Sweet?


A couple of summers ago, my husband played a little trick on our boys. He gave each of our young sons a salt and vinegar chip to try. We knew right away that the flavor was not what the boys had expected. With scrunched up noses and tongues out, the boys handed the remainder of the chip back to daddy. …

Serving Those Who Protect and Serve

Blog, Be The Church

This past week during our small group time, the ladies and I prepared snack bags and wrote thank you cards for each of the officers and staff of the Blacksburg Police Department. Small groups of Northstar are encouraged to find ways to be the church in our community. After finishing our latest study, I Know His Name: Discovering Power in …

Prayer Sticks

Blog, Children's Ministry

So let what I’m saying sink deeply into your hearts and souls. Do whatever it takes to remember what I’m telling you: tie a reminder on your hand or put a reminder on your forehead where you’ll see it all the time, and on the doorpost where you cross the threshold or on the city gate. Teach these things to your …