Jenny Henry

Jenny Henry grew up right here in the New River Valley. She studied Education at Radford University. Jenny taught primary school for seven years before deciding to stay home with her young sons Jack, 8, and Sully, 5. She and her husband, Emanual have been married for ten years. Jenny writes to remind her readers that, through it all, God is good. His love and grace are lavished on us. And we have a hope that will never be put to shame.

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Posts by Jenny Henry

Fearless or “fear less”


I’m a worrier. Even as a child I worried. Back then, I mostly worried about getting in trouble. I was terrified of being in trouble. In school, if I was even next to the kid that got in trouble, I would get upset. As if my proximity to them meant I was in trouble too. Now, as a grown-up, I …

Reflections from the women’s retreat, Part 2


I recently began sharing with you about the Amazing Love Women’s Retreat. (Part 1 here) I experienced a truly intimate time in God’s presences during my quiet time. I glimpsed the immeasurable love our Heavenly Father has for us. After this powerful quiet time, I was looking forward to hearing from one last speaker, Pam Behal. Pam shared about God’s …

Recap: Back to the 50s at the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner


Each year Northstar takes time to say thank you to all of its volunteers with a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. This year it was a 50s bash! The guys greased back their hair while the ladies donned poodle skirts, scarves and high heels. Highway 55 catered. Everyone enjoyed burgers and dogs as they sipped coke from old fashion glass bottles.   …

Reflections from the Women’s Retreat, Part 1


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever. (Psalm 136:1) The psalmist repeats the phrase for His steadfast love endure forever for 26 verses! Why? Because he didn’t want the reader to miss it. He wants it to sink in, down deep.   Recently, I got away with many other women of Northstar for …



Northstar has begun its study of Acts.  I have been enjoying this account of the early church.  Over the past several weeks, one thing has stuck out to me – awe.  Over and over again, we read how the early believers were amazed and filled with wonder. First in Acts 2:12, when the Jews were amazed and perplexed by the …

The Thief


“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10 NIV) What does the thief steal from you? Is it your peace of mind? Is it your self-worth; your faith? The enemy loves to lie to us. He likes to cause us to …

Just breathe: A Mary & Martha story


I’m being like Martha when I need to be so much more like Mary. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” (Luke 10:40) It has been one of those mornings. Seems like I’ve been …