Julie Jewell

Julie grew up in Augusta, Georgia. She received a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Georgia State University in 2004 and a Master’s degree as a Reading Specialist from Radford University in 2010. She previously worked as a classroom teacher and reading specialist in the area. She is thankful for the opportunity to unite her passion for children and her passion for Jesus by serving at Northstar! It is her hope every child that walks into Northstar feels the love of Jesus and wants to know more about Him.

Julie and her husband Charlie (who blessed her with the unforgettable name, Julie Jewell) welcomed their daughter, Claire to the world in August of 2012. Claire reminds them daily of God’s love and sense of humor. Julie enjoys baking, reading, running and Starbucks.

Julie is the Children & Family Minister on the staff at Northstar. Visit our leadership page to get to know the rest of the team.

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Posts by Julie Jewell

Parenting is Ministry

Children's Ministry, Blog

I recently had the privilege of getting away for a weekend to attend the Lifeway Women’s Leadership Forum. It was a conference geared toward women in leadership in the church. It was an amazing time of refreshment and truth. Although it was geared towards leadership and ministry in the church, there are several things that I heard that I feel …

Passion Week Devotional: Thursday


This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2018

Read Luke 22:7-23 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” – Luke 22:19-20 …

Ringing in the New Year


What does a new year bring? Hope, new beginnings, sickness, death? I know that seems like an odd combination of words to string together, but let’s be honest, can’t a new year bring all of these things? When we hear “New Year” it is mostly characterized by new beginnings, such as losing weight, eating healthier, and making resolutions to do …

Twas the Night Before Kindergarten

Children's Ministry, Blog

Here we are, the night before Kindergarten and my sweet daughter will step out of my car and walk into a school where all things are new tomorrow. Is she ready for this? Am I ready for this? Here are the things I’m feeling at this moment: sick to my stomach, a little weepy, wondering how this all happened so …

Looking Back at Gadgets & Gizmos

Blog, Children's Ministry

Saturday morning, July 15, we kicked off the beginning of our Northstar Kids’ Camp: Gadgets and Gizmos as our volunteers gathered at the Northstar Ministry Center for a time of training, fellowship, fun, and preparation. We had about 60 volunteers serve at Kids’ Camp this year! Monday through Wednesday evenings, kids and families were greeted with smiles as they arrived, …

This Week with Children: Baptisms and God’s Got It!

Children's Ministry, Blog

What are those crazy kids up to? Welcome to This Week in Children’s Ministry, the part of the Northstar website where we take a look at what the kids are learning on Sunday morning and keep you up to date with what’s coming up and what your family can begin looking forward to! Jumpstart In Jumpstart, the kids continued learning about …

Passion Week Devotionals: Thursday


This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Passion Week 2017

Most people have heard of Good Friday and of course Easter Sunday but what about Maundy Thursday? What in the world does Maundy mean? Maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum, which translates to commandment. On this day, while Jesus is dining with his disciples during the Last Supper He gives them this commandment: “I am giving you a new …

Celebrating Advent with Kids

Children's Ministry, Blog

What is Advent and why do we celebrate it? Advent began Sunday, November 27 this year and ends Christmas Eve. Advent comes from the Latin word meaning “coming” and its purpose is to look forward to the coming of Christ. During this busy time of parades, parties and buying gifts it is so easy to get distracted from the true …

Soup Lunch for Prices Fork Elementary

Blog, Be The Church

The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.                                                                                         …