Matt Simpson

Matt was raised on a small farm outside of Gettysburg, PA. He was homeschooled K-12, but don't hold that against him. Upon graduating high school, Matt went to work in the outdoor recreation industry, which ignited a passion for the outdoors that he still carries today.

In 2013, Matt graduated from Liberty University with a B.S. in Speech Communications and a minor in Biblical Studies. Upon graduation, Matt moved to the Blacksburg area to be closer to his family who had finally moved further south to be closer to their roots. Earlier this year, Matt accepted a position as the Assistant Recreation Director at Mountain Lake Lodge in Pembroke, VA. Matt is passionate about ministry and finding new and innovative ways to communicate the gospel to an increasingly disillusioned generation. He is thrilled to be able to serve the Lord and others in this capacity within Northstar. He also loves the outdoors, athletics, playing music, TV shows that aren't too long, reading, food, and last but most certainly not least, coffee.

Matt is the GAP Ministry on the staff at Northstar. Visit our leadership page to get to know the rest of the team.

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Posts by Matt Simpson

Palm Sunday Timelapse


What goes into a livestream? As churches all over the world are converting to an online format for their church services, there is a lot of work happening behind the scenes by super talented individuals that are committed to serving the body of Christ even during this tumultuous time. Northstar is no exception! Ezra Richards, along with Ethan and Sarah …

Passion Week Devotional: Palm Sunday


This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2020

When they had approached Jerusalem and had come to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to Me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord …

Digital Church Updates 2020


Here is where you can see all of our digital church updates for 2020! We have been putting out daily videos encouraging our church members during the COVID-19 crisis, and you can check them all out here. Watch the latest one and then click the upper right corner of the video to take a look back over the rest! The …

Theology of Work


Ah, social distancing. An introvert’s dream and an extrovert’s purgatory. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, all of our lives have been drastically changed by the realities of the first global pandemic since 1912. Likely for most of us, one of the areas that has been affected is our work. Many of us have now shifted to working …

Tributes: Karly Vittetoe


This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Tributes

When I moved to Virginia Tech in the fall of 2016, I did not know anyone or anything about the area. I spent the first two years trying to find my place in a large university but failed to get it right time and time again. In 2018, I began thinking that what needed to change for me to fit …

Tributes: Nicholas Alley


This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Tributes

This is the second installment in our Northstar blog series, “Tributes,” where we celebrate people that God has used in our lives for his glory and our good. This week’s post is by college student and Northstar intern Nicholas Alley.  A True Brother In Christ When Erin Peterson first asked me to write a blog about someone who has had …

Tributes: Matt Simpson


This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Tributes

Tributes, for whatever reason, are often delivered posthumously. There is something released in our hearts at the event of someone’s passing that typically precipitates an outpouring of emotional platitudes and remembrances. This has been on display recently with the passing of legendary basketball player Kobe Bryant, as millions have taken to social media to express their grief and attempt to …

New Year, Same Me


A new year is something that many look forward to, but perhaps no one more than those in the fitness industry. Though the idea of New Years’ “resolutions” have become ironic and are oft-derided, there are still a large number of people that see a new year as an opportunity to finally improve themselves, often physically. The transition from December …

The In-Between


Perhaps you remember, as I do, being a young child and having such a strong desire for some toy or trinket that in my young mind it quite easily passed over from a want to a more immediate and dire need. As a birthday or Christmas drew close, my anticipation grew for what I would hopefully find beneath layers of wrapping …