Matt Kesler

Matt comes to us from Richmond, Virginia. He has lived in the Short Pump area and currently lives with his family in Mechanicsville. He graduated from Virginia Tech this past spring with a degree in Business Management. Matt says he enjoys any kind of sports, as well as hiking, camping, campfires, boating, and spending quality time with friends.

During his time at Virginia Tech, he spent two years involved with Cru, then worked with Young Life College during his final two years. He has a passion for global missions.

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Posts by Matt Kesler

Thinking of Others


As I am socially distant or “quarantined” in Richmond with my parents, there are things that I’ve been thankful to see. People are spending more time with their families. Creativity is beginning to blossom in ways that it has been dormant for awhile. We’re finding more time to read or do that house project that we’ve been neglecting for months …

Tributes: Stefanie Seaton


This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Tributes

This is the second installment in our Northstar blog series, “Tributes,” where we celebrate people that God has used in our lives for his glory and our good. This week’s post is by Northstar member Stefanie Seaton. Over the past couple of years, I have been serving in the discipleship program at Northstar. It has been a blessing to help …

Mario Kart, Magazines, and Friendships


Several of the students in the youth group have been hosting a regular meeting where they write a magazine together. That’s right; a magazine. Now, I don’t know what you were doing at 12, 13, 14, and 15, but I’m guessing it wasn’t this. This group of young men have formed wonderful friendships through this time and I’m excited to …

Reflections on Psalm 119:1-8


“Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths. You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully. Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees! Then I …

“Come to my Bible Study!”


“I have a small group tonight and you should be there!” “We prayed for you at small group last night.” These are a few lines that we can so often hear within Christian circles either at church or within a campus ministry. The heart behind these things is good, but many times, there are many preconceived notions with “small group” …

Creating Space


I would say the majority of humans are “busy people.” Now, sometimes we make ourselves busy when we don’t need to or we make ourselves busy with things that don’t really matter. But, in some way, shape, or form, we are busy people. We live in a fast-paced culture. If you’re reading this and you live in Blacksburg, VA, then …

Passion Week Devotionals: Monday


This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2019

In Mark 11:12-14, we see an interesting, yet significant record of the character of Jesus. It had been one day since his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey amidst cheering and jubilation from the crowds. Yet, we find Jesus cursing a fig tree? A fig tree with leaves was supposed to bear fruit. The tree either …

Baltimore Mission Trip


Over the past year, Northstar has sent a few different people to visit with Redemption City Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Adam Wilson, a former college minister at Northstar, is one of the pastors on staff. It has been encouraging to have conversations with him over the past year about a potential partnership. Last Spring, Northstar sent a small group of …