Matt Kesler

Matt comes to us from Richmond, Virginia. He has lived in the Short Pump area and currently lives with his family in Mechanicsville. He graduated from Virginia Tech this past spring with a degree in Business Management. Matt says he enjoys any kind of sports, as well as hiking, camping, campfires, boating, and spending quality time with friends.

During his time at Virginia Tech, he spent two years involved with Cru, then worked with Young Life College during his final two years. He has a passion for global missions.

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Posts by Matt Kesler

Psalm 130- Out of the Depths We Cry


The beautiful thing about the Psalms is that you read about every type of emotion that we experience as humans. This past week, I’ve been reflecting daily upon Psalm 130. “Out of the depths I call to you, Lord! Lord, listen to my voice; let your ears be attentive to my cry for help. Lord, if you kept an account …

Why I Love Serving at Northstar: Matt Kesler


This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Why I Love Serving at Northstar

I get asked a lot: “What is it you exactly do throughout the week?” To my friends, I typically make the joke of: “What do you mean? I only work on Sundays!” You’re probably chuckling because you might have thought the same thing at one point. Don’t be embarrassed; I use to think the same thing when I was growing …

Obedience despite Dangers

Blog, Youth

What is it in your life that could be a potential danger? Have you actually thought through that? What even is a danger? Is danger confined to your life being threatened or could it go deeper than that? In Matthew 2:13-18, we see Joseph faced an extreme danger. When Herod heard that there was a child that was born (Jesus) …

When Jesus Asks Us to Follow Him


This past week, I spent time reading over the story of Philip and Nathanael in John 1:43-51. This must’ve been a passage I skimmed through in the past, because it really sank in this go around. For those of you not familiar with this story, let me set the stage. Jesus has begun his ministry by first selecting men to follow …

My Take on the First Day of School

Blog, Youth

I know people joke a lot about me being so young, but in all reality, they are right. It was 6 years ago, around this time, that I began my senior year of high school. As I see the hustle and bustle around Blacksburg with new Virginia Tech students moving in as well as Montgomery County Schools beginning, I couldn’t …

Crossroads Camp Final Update

Blog, Youth

I can’t believe that the week is already over! As I’m sitting back in Blacksburg reflecting on what the Lord did this past week, I am so humbled that he allowed myself and our wonderful leaders to be a part of it. As we transition back into the real world, my prayer is that students wouldn’t forget the decisions that …

Crossroads Camp Day 3

Blog, Youth

A parent texted me the other day saying that a “heat wave” was hitting the Carolinas and I responded by saying “we’re definitely feeling it.” Even with the hot temperatures and high humidity, the students are having an incredible time! Sharie King led our morning breakout session and she talked about what it looked like for us to eliminate distractions …

Crossroads Camp Day 2

Blog, Youth

I can’t believe that this day is already over but it was another exciting and PACKED day! After a brief night of sleep, we gathered together for breakfast and a few morning worship services! From my two roommates, I got to hear a story of my wonderful sleep talking skills. We also laughed about the story of a  particular student …