Tanner Blankenship

Tanner has lived in the New River Valley most of his life. He is a musician, businessperson, and a wannabe world traveler. He earned his master’s degree in Philosophical Apologetics at Biola University in 2011. In his spare time he enjoys any kind of DIY projects, motorcycle rides, anything on the New River, and he is a lifelong lover of french fries. He is the owner of NRV Home Improvement and The Lion Room Conference Center in Christiansburg.
Tanner has been a member of Northstar Church for over six years and is a regular attender in the Graduate and Professionals Group. He has a passion to hear people’s story and to learn about their worldviews, and he loves sharing the story of God’s grace and love in his own life.

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Posts by Tanner Blankenship

Passion Week Devotional: Monday


This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2020

Jesus and the Religious Leaders at Passover Like every Passover during Jesus’ life, Jerusalem was full of pious Roman Jews coming from hundreds of miles in every direction. Roman authority was there too but only because their presence would ensure civility among the large crowds. The Jewish council of religious authorities, known as the Sanhedrin, was prominent that week, truly …

Passion Week Devotionals: Palm Sunday


This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2019

The disciple whom Jesus loved in the book of John is none other than the writer himself. Throughout the gospels we see Jesus and the apostle John close by one another. They are relatives and John is one of Jesus’ first disciples who left his father’s very successful fishing business to follow the Lord. John was one of only two …