About the Author

Vanessa Tegenkamp

Posts by Vanessa Tegenkamp

Fridays are for #nstarshirtday


Have you gotten your Northstar Church t-shirt yet? Great! (If you haven’t yet, don’t worry, you can buy one on a Sunday morning for $10 or at the church office.) As we get ready for winter, we now have long sleeve t-shirts available for you, for $15. We’d like to try a social experiment. We’ll call it #nstarshirtday. Wear your shirt …

Hidden Things Revealed


This is a personal blog from ten months ago, but I don’t have many followers, so it’s probably new to you! 😉 As we were on our way to Roanoke yesterday, I noticed among the many trees the dozens, even hundreds, of birds’ nests. Obviously most of them are there throughout the year, and it’s certainly easy enough to see …

Childish Actions


As my 6 year old son was stepping off the bus, the driver, Miss Carolyn, waved me over. As I got to the doorway, she said that she just wanted to tell me how proud she was of him today on the bus. A kid that sits near Elijah has been picking on my son, calling him names, and I …

Who are you?


An internet radio station is playing in the background when an ad comes on.  At one point it states, “After all, without your stuff, what are you?  Better yet, who are you without your stuff?”  That kind of hit me like a brick.  It not-so-subtly is telling me that I am nothing without my worldly items.  If tomorrow each of …