Posts by Vanessa Tegenkamp

God in the Ordinary


Have you ever had a seemingly ordinary moment turn into a God-moment? Not long ago, I placed several calls to strangers in order to obtain background checks for potential childcare workers. One of the men I spoke with was a chatty man in the most pleasant way possible, and he easily worked his faith into our conversation. The ease with …



On Friday and Saturday, February 3 and 4, I had the pleasure of attending a local simulcast event originating from Austin, Texas, called IF: Gathering. With locations worldwide, it was an incredible time of worship and speakers encouraging women to live in faith. If not us, then who?  If not now, then when? Predominantly referencing the early church in Acts, speakers …



God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” – Exodus 3:14 Several years ago, my family made Names of God ornaments. On each one, we wrote a name and a scripture source for it. They are simple–nothing elaborate or difficult, but they are one of my favorite decorations to adorn the mantle. (Hint: shatter-proof ornaments are best. We used …

Just What DOES a Church Staff Person Do?

Blog, Be The Church

Have you ever wondered exactly what it is that a church staff person does? The pastor just preaches a sermon on Sunday, right? And the youth minister spends a little bit of time with our kids once a week or so… Really, how hard is it to organize a few small groups? There is so much going on behind the scenes …

True Light


While taking the recent 21 Day Challenge, John 1:9 stood out to me in which Jesus is called the True Light, and it took me back to some personal reflections I had last summer… It’s after midnight and I, once again, have trouble falling asleep.  However, I have found a kind of solace in the deep evening, when the neighborhood …

The Rain Serves a Purpose


As I sit listening to the steady drizzle outside my open window, I revel in the plinking of raindrops on leaves, creating a music all their own. The scent I breathe in is one of freshness, and I can feel the heaviness of the damp air. My senses are each affected in various ways, and Isaiah 55:10-11 comes to mind: …