Baby Bottle Campaign 2019

News, Children's Ministry

Northstar Church is incredibly blessed to be able to partner with ministries throughout the New River Valley. One of those is the Valley Women’s Clinic.

Each year we help with the Baby Bottle Campaign. We hand out empty baby bottles and they are returned those filled with money! All of the proceeds from this campaign go to support the Pregnancy Resource Center of the New River Valley. This year’s campaign kicks off on Sunday, January 20.

The Baby Bottle Campaign is a great way for Northstar to participate in the amazing ministry of the Pregnancy Resource Center of the New River Valley.

  1. Pick up a bottle at the table in the lobby
  2. Take it home and fill it with left over pocket change (cash or checks payable to the Pregnancy Resource Center of the NRV)
  3. Then bring it back to church by February 10!

Easy, right?! Want to know more about the Baby Bottle Campaign? Click here for more information.