Think to Change: Worship


Series 3-Great-Good-GodGod is both good and great! He is perfectly compassionate and loving, while also sovereign and powerful. When we digest and internalize these truths, we can worship with all our hearts. Darrell Cook, the director of the Virginia Tech Baptist Collegiate Ministry, delivered our message on worship as part of our Think to Change series. [Listen here.]

Darrell began by asking us to all consider how we define worship. It has been said that worship is turning our mind’s attention and hearts affection on the heavenly father. Louie Giglio, the pastor of Passion City Church has said worship is, “Our response to what we value most.” Giglio says:

So how do you know where and what you worship? It’s easy: You simply follow the trail of your time, your affection, your energy, your money, and your allegiance. At the end of that trail you’ll find a throne; and what ever, or whoever, is on that throne is what’s of highest value to you. On that throne is what you worship.

Darrell pointed out that so much of worship happens on the inside and cannot be seen. True worship is also not confined to the weekly church service, it Blacksburg Churchhappens the other six days of the week. In order to establish the true definition of worship we must turn to the ultimate source of truth, the Bible. Darrel’s message on worship used Psalm 100 as the focal passage for his message.

  • Worship is response
    • Within the five verses of Psalm 100 there are seven commands. Worship doesn’t start with us, God is the motivator.
    • God’s goodness & greatness draw us into a place of worship.
  • Worship is joyful response

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs.” (Psalm 100:1-2)

  • Worship is joyful response because we are His

“Know that the Lord is God.  It is he who made us, and we are hiswe are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” (Psalm 100:3)

    • “So long as we are receivers of mercy, we must be givers of thanks.” – Charles Spurgeon
  • Worship is joyful response because we are His and He never changes

“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” (Psalm 100:5)

    • God will never be anything other than faithful to us, and for that He deserves our worship
    • If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” (2 Timothy 11:13)

As you contemplate worship consider the following questions;

  • Is there anything wrongly occupying the throne in your life?
  • What would God have you do to act on the truth that the throne of your heart must belong to Him alone?
  • Have you allowed yourself to be robbed of joy and thankfulness?
  • What will you change this week to allow you to focus on God’s goodness–enabling job and thankfulness to flow again?
  • Is there a part of the definition of worship or the Psalm 100 passage that calls louder to you for attention and growing maturity?