It is that simple

It is that simple

Lately, I have noticed that a large majority of people in my life are feeling burnt out. It transcends age, gender, career status and personality type. It appears that being worn out is now part of the shared human condition. As someone who approaches life with an...
Daily Prayer for a debt-free move-in

Daily Prayer for a debt-free move-in

We put up our Christmas decorations on Friday after Thanksgiving, even as our fridge was still packed with Thanksgiving leftovers. Even in a pandemic, days are slowly moving forward. I’m looking forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior with our church family in...
Reflections on The Chosen, Episode One

Reflections on The Chosen, Episode One

We asked Lissa the following question in a small group that was discussing The Chosen, and when she shared what she’d written, we asked her permission to publish it as a brief blog. How did Episode 1 help you think about Jesus’ birth and its impact in a...