Sunday morning prayer reflections #unity #breathe


Northstar has a prayer group that meets on Sundays at 8:45 a.m. via Zoom. They have traditionally prayed for our morning services (and most recently our livestreams). This past Sunday, they focused their prayers around the tumult and chaos in our nation surrounding the tragic death of George Floyd.  Here are some of the thoughts from the team that they …

The COVID Connection Project


This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Caught in the Act

Recently Northstar member Bethany Teague created a video for her company titled #InItTogether. After we saw it, we asked her to write a blog about her experience: Unprecedented, historic, strange.  If I had a roll of toilet paper for every time I’ve heard these words since March 1, I could drink milk for life without a care.  And as much …

Ode To Our Seniors


Bittersweet. Bitter because we will lose two of you and sweet because Blacksburg will get to keep two of you, at least for a little while longer. Becca, Lissa, Nick and Paisleigh have all served as interns for Northstar and have become near and dear to my heart as well as the rest of the Northstar family. Becca, you were …

New Hope and the Armor of God During COVID-19


I had no idea what to expect. I was riding in a small open trailer being pulled by a motorbike through the streets of LaVega. We were headed deep into the barrio of this city located in the Dominican Republic, we were on our way to where it all began. The closer we got the narrower streets became, the smaller …

Stuff Kids Say: Madison Russell


This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Stuff Kids Say

As you read this, I want you to picture me how my daughter, Adelaide, views me. If you ask her my full name, she will tell you it is MommyLaide Russell. So yes, I do sound like a very cool sports drink in the words of my daughter. You know how as a parent, or maybe more accurately as a …

Stuff Kids Say: Josh and Carri Drake


This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Stuff Kids Say

In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus says “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” The innocence of childhood can reveal the type of heart that we are all supposed to have as we approach Jesus. In this new blog series, we will be noticing and celebrating how we see God working …

Video: Easter: Ain’t No Grave


Our Good Friday video was so moving and powerful. Here’s the Easter Sunday morning “part 2.” We are grateful to Matt and Emily Simpson, Tanner Blankenship, Joe Fabrizi, Lissa Brown and all of you who submitted cardboard testimonies!

God Shapes Us Through Suffering


The pandemic has thrown most, if not all, of our ‘regular lives’ for a spin. While each of us is in a unique situation, we are all mourning the temporary loss of community, celebrations, and moments that we had hoped for. There is significant hurt and loss in many, if not all, of our lives.  Christians are not immune from …