Passion Week Devotional: Palm Sunday


This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Passion Week Devotionals 2020

When they had approached Jerusalem and had come to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to Me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord …

Thinking of Others


As I am socially distant or “quarantined” in Richmond with my parents, there are things that I’ve been thankful to see. People are spending more time with their families. Creativity is beginning to blossom in ways that it has been dormant for awhile. We’re finding more time to read or do that house project that we’ve been neglecting for months …

Digital Church Updates 2020


Here is where you can see all of our digital church updates for 2020! We have been putting out daily videos encouraging our church members during the COVID-19 crisis, and you can check them all out here. Watch the latest one and then click the upper right corner of the video to take a look back over the rest! The …

Discipleship Initiative: 2019 Report

Blog, Discipleship

In January 2019, we announced our intention to lead every one of our members through an initiative last year that would intentionally nurture their walks with Jesus. We called it the Discipleship Initiative. The process 1. Membership The process begins with a church member. There’s a reason for that. We believe and embrace discipleship. We also believe that membership is …

Theology of Work


Ah, social distancing. An introvert’s dream and an extrovert’s purgatory. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, all of our lives have been drastically changed by the realities of the first global pandemic since 1912. Likely for most of us, one of the areas that has been affected is our work. Many of us have now shifted to working …

Baptism Celebration: March 29, 2020


On Sunday, March 29, 2020, we celebrated the baptisms of Susan Lindamood, Joshua Uliana and Joe Shifflett. Each of them had previously trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. We were overjoyed to be able to celebrate their faith with them during our third livestream!

Joy over circumstance


If you know me at all you know that I am an emotional person and I think that is putting it lightly. When I asked Andrew, after 12 years of marriage, what surprised him most about me after we had gotten married his response was that I CRY so much. Yes, I am a woman and emotions are a thing, …

Livestream Scenes from March 22


On Sunday, March 22, Northstar hosted its second livestream worship event in response to the COVID-19 crisis. We encouraged our church family and friends to post, share and send us pics of them enjoying “being the church” in various ways. Here are a few of the pictures that were sent to us or that were tagged #dontgobe on social media:

Faith Story: Erika Gresh


On March 1, 2020, Erika Gresh shared her faith journey with us. It was a significant challenge for us to remember that we don’t share from a position of “having it all figured out” and to remain humble as we continue to pursue a love relationship with Jesus even in hard times. Erika gave us permission to publish her written …