GAPrayer Fridays

News, GAP

By Beth A It’s true I’m a peace forfeiter. It’s hard to admit but it’s true. Not only that, but every day I try to shoulder the weight of all my cares, I stumble upon my own arrogance as I try to tackle each day on my own. Instead of asking the Creator of the Universe for advice I ask …

Farewell Post: Liz


[Liz has been a faithful GAPer ever since arriving in Blacksburg in 2010. Liz had a hand in planning just about every GAP event, whether you knew it or not. And that was basically her style: consistent, humble, selfless service. Never boasting but always willing. Its appropriate, then, for her to be the first to get a farewell post on …

GAPnotes: Resolving to Be His Hands and Feet

News, GAP

“Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.” ~Saint Teresa of …

GAPnotes: Childhood Memories


By Eddie Brown God always has this way of rekindling deep thoughts from spiritual “revelations” of my past. I have not been able to verify if this phenomenon is common for most people but I would hope so. The depth and richness of those memories reborn are something that I treasure dearly.  Most recently it has come in the form of …

GAPservice: A Children’s Bible

News, GAP

By Rebecca Murray One of the reasons I chose Northstar — and GAP in particular — was the service component. I have wanted to give back to the community but have always been confused on where to begin. At our October BIG Group, I learned about the opportunities available to assist local food programs. In addition, the calendar function on …

GAPnotes: Like Cling Wrap

News, GAP

By Rachel McCord I don’t know about you guys…but I am slammed! All those papers to write and articles to read and data to collect have just snuck up on me. (Please don’t tell my advisor that I am a procrastinator…I’d like her to find out on her own. It’s just better that way.) It seems like the pile of …

GAPnotes: GAPsGiving Origins


By Chris Marie Smith Thompson Tomlinson It’s that time of year again – GAPsGiving is here! GAPsGiving (year 3) will be held on November 13, 2012 at 7pm at Fieldstone. But before we get too far into this, head on over to sign up to bring something that I would find delicious: GAPsGiving Signup Now if you’ve been to a …

GAPnotes: Totally Like Whatever


By Viktor Oh politics. I’m so looking forward to this political season being over on Nov. 6. Don’t get me wrong, I love following politics, but the first primary debate was way back on May 5, 2011 (really), so I’m ready for this round to be over. That being said, there’s one thing about the political season that I really …

GAPnotes: Delmos


By Liz Albitz Statzell Have you seen posts on Facebook about visiting Delmos, and haven’t been quite sure what we’re talking about? We’ll you’re in luck, because Delmos is AWESOME and we’re visiting him tonight at 5pm. You don’t even have to read any further to know that you need to meet Delmos, but I’ll give you some more background …